Step-by-Step Guide to Increasing Instagram Followers Without Following Others

Increasing your followers’ count on Instagram can get tricky if you don’t have a certain strategy to follow. Don’t worry ‒ this article is your perfect step-by-step guide to every technique that can increase your followers’ count in a few months (or even faster!).

Besides, we won’t be telling you about these old follow-to-follow techniques ‒ they’re not as effective as you might think and you really don’t have to follow anyone to promote your brand. Instead, we’ll focus on creating a plan where every step brings you a better engagement.

How to get more Instagram followers without following people back?

The first thing you need is a complete profile. Make sure it’s public (private profiles are impossible to promote) and the “Business account” feature is turned on in Settings. Next, start editing your profile. 

You need to:

  • come up with a catchy and rememberable name. It should be both unique and easy to read;
  • upload an appropriate profile picture ‒ make sure it’s unique and stands out from other profiles;
  • insert your website’s URL in the “website” section of your bio so you’ll be able to direct some traffic there;
  • write a neat bio that explains in a few lines why your brand is better than others. Mention your best features ‒ what makes you stand out among competitors and what will make the people who visit your profile hit that “follow” button. It’s challenging, but it’s a key point of your promotion strategy.

For better performance, check out your competitors’ accounts and see what they’re up to. Go to the “Explore” tab and get some inspiration for filling in your bio information. Don’t steal the ideas ‒ get inspired and create something unique, something that speaks for your brand at full volume.

Now let’s take you to another step where you create a decent marketing strategy. This plan will help you figure out your target audience, your global and not so global goals on this social network.

First, let’s talk about the target audience. You have to define their main demographics (age group, gender, family or relationship status, location), their buying behavior and interests as well as views. Create a few portraits to make sure you include everyone who can be your potential customer.

Next, ask yourself why your presence on Instagram matters. Maybe you want to direct more traffic to your website or other social media channels, maybe you want to sell directly through Instagram. Defining your goal is key to a successful marketing strategy.

After these two steps are complete, you have to find your brand’s voice and aesthetics. This way, you’ll develop a stable image that will make your brand recognizable among others. Also, you can come up with a beautiful brand story ‒ this way you’ll express and share your values to create a loyal community around your business.

Your marketing plan wouldn’t be complete without a posting schedule. Actually, content should be your main concern. Our main tips here are:

  • post not too frequently and not too rarely;
  • make sure you publish unique content that fits your brand’s tone of voice;
  • make sure your photos and videos are in high resolution and not over-edited.

A posting schedule will help you to make sure your posts are being seen ‒ you get the best visibility when you post at times when your target audience is most likely scrolling through Instagram feed (usually it’s before or after work, and during the lunch break).

And while we’re at it, pay attention to your captions. They should be short and neatly formatted. Sticking to the classic “headline ‒ story ‒ call to action” formula will help you create relevant and interesting captions.

To gain even more followers, you can promote your Insta account on other channels your brand has. Cross-post your content to your blog via widget, to your Facebook profile, or any other social network accounts. This way, you’ll merge your audiences into one safe community.

Use any source you can get to promote your profile. Business cards, website, QR code for your Insta account ‒ it all works. You can also partner with other brands and influencers in your niche to share your audiences ‒ choose only accounts that have more followers than you: this way you’ll get a significant increase in your follower base.

Starting a contest might be another great idea that will boost your engagement rate. Create simple rules that will make people follow you or tag more people to check out your profile, and you’ll see how cool it works. Try using a branded hashtag to get more user-generated content.

Hashtags also work great if you know how to use them right. We advise you to use niche and location-specific tags to make sure that people who want to find services you provide, will eventually find your profile. You can put up to thirty tags in your post caption and up to ten in your Story, but in reality, you won’t need more than 5 of them.

And now, the most important part that concerns executing the marketing plan you’ve just created. Don’t forget to track your metrics and use analytic tools to learn how different types of content perform on a bigger scale. Some posts will give you more engagement, some Stories will get more views and interactions ‒ make sure you track those to improve your marketing.

Listen to your numbers and your followers ‒ this is the only way to gain more followers and retain them. Well, not exactly the only one. You can also buy followers ‒ don’t worry, a lot of people so that, no shame in this.

How can buying followers benefit you?

You can utilize our followers packages for different purposes.

First, this way you’ll boost your visibility. We provide you with real followers only, so the algorithm will think you have an actual rise in your audience rather than bot haul. And when the algorithm notices your activity, it starts to recommend your profile and posts to other people.

Also, a bigger number will give you better social proof ‒ that thing when the user sees a solid number and feels confident to follow you or buy your products (in comparison with smaller followers’ count).

We make buying followers safe and useful to your marketing plan. Feel confident in your promotion with our packages, and you’ll see how your brand grows online in no time!

2022-10-16 14:56:56
Taylor Brooks

The_crazy_rider_uk09 2022-12-04 11:41

5000 follow

kheterpal.nayak 2022-12-13 13:09

Please give me 100 followers please pleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease please

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