How to use promo codes on our service?
Today we are launching a promo code system on our website to realize various promotions and discounts.
In this little article we will show you how to use our promo codes if you received it by mail or any other way.
1. When filling out the order form, click on the link "Got a promo code?"
2. Insert your promo code in the field that appears and click on the "Apply" button.
3. After applying the promo code you will see the reduced price on the selected plan.
4. After that, you can continue placing your order as usual and make payment with the applied discount.
How can I get a promo code?
We plan to make various promotions by distributing promo codes to our users, so we recommend you to register on our site and subscribe to our newsletters to not miss various promotions.
Also we plan to realize various global events like BlackFriday by placing a promo code on the site in the information section.
Taylor Brooks